Greening - stop talking, start doing.
For times immemorial, I have heard this about greening, environment protection etc. Corporates promote it, governments spend money on it. So, where is all the money going? I think it is only going towards the promotion of the issue. Corporates pass on these messages to their employees and sometimes use this as a concept to brand their image. Governmets run conferences of foreign delegates and then talk business on the same table I believe. So if I understand it right, money is spent on promoting the issue of greening/environment by corporates and by the government to promote brand. What is being done to actually address the issue? Maybe I do not have visibility there, but I have visibility about what we as individuals can do to addresss the issue of greening. By the way, by greening i mean helping save the environment by optimally using its resources so that less of the trees are cut, less of the minerals are mined, less of oil wells are drilled and less of everything ...